Investor alert: Chabert Asset Management


Chabert Asset Management is not authorised by Finansinspektionen. Therefore Chabert Asset Management is not entitled to provide financial services.

Chabert Asset Management has a website, (, registered August 4, 2005, San Francisco, USA) where it claims to have following addresses:

  • Esplanade Charles de Gaulle, Paris, 92081
  • Level 28, 152 Beach Road 189721, Singapore
  • Superior East Avenue, Suite 1300, Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Finansinspektionen has received information that Chabert Asset Management has approached investors in Sweden and abroad by telephone. Chabert Asset Management offers the investors, on behalf of a client, to buy shares, which the investor earlier bought from Quantum Financial Group. The Irish Authority sent out a warning about the company on December 21, 1998.

The investor is offered a very high price for the shares. But, the investor has to pay 50 cent per share in advance, “A Legend Removal Fee”. It is a matter of Advance Fee Fraud scheme.

Chabert Asset Management also refers to: Board of Commissioners of Mergers & Acquisitions, BCMA, (, registered August 4, 2005, Nashville, TN, USA.
No such entity exists, except as the vaporous and virtual imaginings of some fraudsters' offshore boiler-room scheme.

Finansinspektionen advices anyone who wants to do business with a company or a person, to check beforehand in the Companies register for securities services whether the institution or person concerned is registered and allowed to perform securities services in Sweden.

Dnr 05-6936-331