Derivatives trade (EMIR)

The EU Regulation governing OTC derivatives, central counterparties and transaction registers (EMIR) affects all firms that enter into any form of derivative contract – both financial and non-financial firms. Central counterparties and transaction registers must be authorised.


Planned service disruptions in FI’s reporting systems

2019-12-02 | News Reporting Markets

From Monday, 2 December, to Tuesday, 10 December, all of FI’s reporting systems will experience service disruptions or closures due to planned maintenance and updates. The extent to which individual systems will be affected will vary.

Stability in the Financial System (2019:2)

The low interest rates are expected to remain low for a longer period of time. It could lead to greater risk-taking among various actors, and increased challenges for insurance undertakings.

FI’s work to combat money laundering and terrorist financing

Finansinspektionen (FI) strengthened its anti-money laundering supervision in 2019, in part by dedicating considerable resources to reviewing major Swedish banks’ governance and control of anti-money laundering measures in Baltic subsidiaries.

Euroclear Sweden AB receives authorisation to be central securities depository under CSDR

Finansinspektionen is granting Euroclear Sweden AB authorisation to act as a central securities depository under Regulation (EU) No 909/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on improving securities settlement in the European Union and on central securities depositories (CSDR).

FI Supervision 15: decreased transparency in bond trading

2019-10-17 | Reports MiFID Markets

Transparency on the Swedish bond markets has decreased. This is the conclusion of Finansinspektionen’s (FI) analysis of the impact of the transparency rules that were introduced when the Directive and the Regulation for the securities market entered into force in 2018.

FI Analysis 18: Swedish risk premia and monetary policy

A disorderly and abrupt increase in international market rates could lead to significantly higher term and equity risk premia. This is the conclusion of an analysis conducted by FI.

Reinhold Europe AB must pay administrative fine

Finansinspektionen (FI) has decided that Reinhold Europe AB must pay an administrative fine of SEK 750,000.

StrateVic Finance Group AB must pay administrative fine

Finansinspektionen (FI) has decided that StrateVic Finance Group AB must pay an administrative fine of SEK 1,500,000.

Erik Thedéen: Climate and sustainability in focus at FI

FI’s Director General spoke today at the Finansdagen conference in Stockholm.

FI’s Director General Erik Thedéen reappointed to ESMA’s Management Board

2019-07-11 | ESMA News About FI

FI’s Director General Erik Thedéen was reappointed to the Management Board of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) for a further 2½ year term.