
Firms on the financial markets must report financial information to FI. FI then uses this information to make assessments about the financial situation of individual firms and the financial market as a whole. The information that must be reported and the reporting deadlines are presented on the pages for each respective firm category.

An instruction on how to file reports in the online system for periodic reporting is found here: Guide on how to report .


Planned service disruptions in FI’s reporting systems

2019-12-02 | News Reporting Markets

From Monday, 2 December, to Tuesday, 10 December, all of FI’s reporting systems will experience service disruptions or closures due to planned maintenance and updates. The extent to which individual systems will be affected will vary.

Reinhold Europe AB must pay administrative fine

Finansinspektionen (FI) has decided that Reinhold Europe AB must pay an administrative fine of SEK 750,000.

StrateVic Finance Group AB must pay administrative fine

Finansinspektionen (FI) has decided that StrateVic Finance Group AB must pay an administrative fine of SEK 1,500,000.

FI’s Director General Erik Thedéen reappointed to ESMA’s Management Board

2019-07-11 | ESMA News About FI

FI’s Director General Erik Thedéen was reappointed to the Management Board of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) for a further 2½ year term.

Hoylu AB receives an administrative fine

Finansinspektionen (FI) has decided that Hoylu AB (Hoylu) must pay an administrative fine of SEK 2.1 million due to deficiencies in following the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR). Hoylu, a company in the field of communication, is an issuer listed on Nasdaq First North.

Banks’ lending to commercial real estate firms requires more capital

2019-05-28 | News Stability Markets

Finansinspektionen (FI) considers the firms in the Swedish financial system to have sufficient resilience for withstanding a weaker economy. However, commercial real estate firms are vulnerable to shocks. FI therefore makes the assessment that the banks need more capital for these exposures. This is one of the conclusions in FI’s first stability report for the year, which is being presented today.

Nordic and Baltic financial supervisors enhance cooperation to fight money laundering

Heads of the Nordic and Baltic financial supervisors met today in Stockholm. They agreed on measures to enhance the cooperation between the authorities with the aim of fighting money laundering and terrorist financing.

TRS2 Test environment will be closed for an upgrade

2019-04-24 | News Reporting Markets

On Wednesday, 29 April 2019, the test environment of TRS2 will be closed and not available due to an upgrade to a new version of the system. Finansinspektionen will announce when the system is available again.

TRS 2 will be closed for servicing

2019-02-13 | News Reporting Markets

On Wednesday, 20 February, the TRS 2 system will not be available at the beginning of the day due to a service window. The system is planned to reopen after 4 p.m.

ESMA postpones changes to transaction reporting

2019-02-07 | ESMA News Reporting

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has announced that the transition to the new XML Schema and updated validation rules will not occur on Monday, 18 February 2019, as earlier planned. It will now be postponed until Q3 2019.