
Firms on the financial markets must report financial information to FI. FI then uses this information to make assessments about the financial situation of individual firms and the financial market as a whole. The information that must be reported and the reporting deadlines are presented on the pages for each respective firm category.

An instruction on how to file reports in the online system for periodic reporting is found here: Guide on how to report .


The TRS 2 system is unable to create FD files at the moment

2018-12-07 | News Reporting Markets

At the moment, Friday, 7 December, the TRS 2 system is unable to create FD files (daily feedback).

Higher interest rates test resilience

2018-11-27 | News Stability Consumer

Low interest rates have contributed to high risk-taking, rising asset prices and increasing debt. Higher interest rates in the next few years could reduce risk-taking and thus dampen the build-up of risk. However, unexpectedly large interest rate fluctuations and uncertain global developments could also test the financial sector’s resilience. These are some of the conclusions Finansinspektionen (FI) draws in this year’s second report on the stability in the financial system. The report will be presented at a press conference today.

TRS 2 upgraded to a new system version

2018-11-26 | News Reporting Markets

On Monday, 26 November, TRS 2 was upgraded to a new system version.

Extended system maintenance in TRS 2 system

2018-11-21 | News Reporting Markets

FI is extending the ongoing maintenance and upgrade of the production environment in the TRS2 system until further notice.

Work with sustainability is progressing – but there is still much to be done

FI is publishing today three reports on sustainability. The reports show that the work with sustainability is progressing on several fronts and that the industry’s own initiatives, where relevant, are working. But there is still a lot of work left to be done. FI is also publishing a follow-up report for the Government on FI's work with sustainability-related matters in 2018.

The Network for Greening the Financial System has published its first report

The members of the international Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) acknowledge in their first report that climate-related risks are a source of financial risk. The Network therefore clarifies that it is within the mandates of central banks and supervisors to ensure the financial system is resilient to climate-related risks.

IOSCO creates a sustainable finance network chaired by Erik Thedéen

The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) decided today to create a Sustainable Finance Network (SFN).

Finansinspektionen follows closely the developments at Nasdaq Clearing

2018-09-14 | News Markets

Finansinspektionen has an ongoing dialogue with Nasdaq Clearing given that the company decided to declare a member in the firm’s commodity market in default. Finansinspektionen is also in contact with other affected authorities and organisations.

FI's comments on Nasdaq Clearing's decision today

2018-09-12 | News Markets

Nasdaq Clearing AB has decided to declare a clearing member in the firm’s commodity market in default. The member is active in the electricity derivatives markets through trading on the Norwegian Stock Exchange, Nasdaq Oslo ASA. These financial instruments are centrally cleared in Nasdaq Clearing AB, a firm under Finansinspektionen’s (FI’s) supervision.

Proposal to change Finansinspektionenʼs Regulations (FFFS 2014:33) regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen proposes to raise the countercyclical buffer rate to 2,5 percent. The rate is currently at 2 percent. The change will be effective from the 19 September 2019.