Company register

Our company register contains the names of companies and persons authorised to offer financial services. The register also contains names of financial institutions and deposit companies that are registered with us but are not subject to our supervision. Individuals with protected identity are not included in the register.

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB

Cross border services

Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Services related to underwriting
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis
Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related questions and advice as well as services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Ia) The life insurance referred to in points (a)(i), (ii) and (iii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive excluding those referred to in II and III (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Ib) Insurance issued as a supplement to insurance under Ia) (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
III. The insurance referred to in points (a)(i) and (ii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive, which are linked to investment funds (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
IV. Permanent health insurance, referred to in point (a)(iv) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial leasing. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Services related to underwriting
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis
Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related questions and advice as well as services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Ia) The life insurance referred to in points (a)(i), (ii) and (iii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive excluding those referred to in II and III (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Ib) Insurance issued as a supplement to insurance under Ia) (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
III. The insurance referred to in points (a)(i) and (ii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive, which are linked to investment funds (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
IV. Permanent health insurance, referred to in point (a)(iv) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial leasing. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Services related to underwriting
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis
Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related questions and advice as well as services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Ia) The life insurance referred to in points (a)(i), (ii) and (iii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive excluding those referred to in II and III (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Ib) Insurance issued as a supplement to insurance under Ia) (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
III. The insurance referred to in points (a)(i) and (ii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive, which are linked to investment funds (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
IV. Permanent health insurance, referred to in point (a)(iv) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial leasing. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Services related to underwriting
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis
Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related questions and advice as well as services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Services related to underwriting
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis
Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related questions and advice as well as services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Portfolio management
Investment advice
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial leasing. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Services related to underwriting
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis
Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related questions and advice as well as services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Ia) The life insurance referred to in points (a)(i), (ii) and (iii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive excluding those referred to in II and III (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Ib) Insurance issued as a supplement to insurance under Ia) (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
III. The insurance referred to in points (a)(i) and (ii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive, which are linked to investment funds (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
IV. Permanent health insurance, referred to in point (a)(iv) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Services related to underwriting
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis
Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related questions and advice as well as services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Ia) The life insurance referred to in points (a)(i), (ii) and (iii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive excluding those referred to in II and III (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Ib) Insurance issued as a supplement to insurance under Ia) (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
III. The insurance referred to in points (a)(i) and (ii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive, which are linked to investment funds (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
IV. Permanent health insurance, referred to in point (a)(iv) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Issuing and administering other means of payment (e.g. travellers' cheques and bankers' drafts) insofar as such activity is not covered by point 4.Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Dealing on own account
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Ia) The life insurance referred to in points (a)(i), (ii) and (iii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive excluding those referred to in II and III (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Ib) Insurance issued as a supplement to insurance under Ia) (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
III. The insurance referred to in points (a)(i) and (ii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive, which are linked to investment funds (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
IV. Permanent health insurance, referred to in point (a)(iv) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Financial leasing. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Services related to underwriting
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis
Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis
Money broking. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related questions and advice as well as services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Services related to underwriting
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis
Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Services related to underwriting
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis
Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Portfolio management
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Services related to underwriting
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis
Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Services related to underwriting
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis
Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Services related to underwriting
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Ia) The life insurance referred to in points (a)(i), (ii) and (iii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive excluding those referred to in II and III (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Ib) Insurance issued as a supplement to insurance under Ia) (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
III. The insurance referred to in points (a)(i) and (ii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive, which are linked to investment funds (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
IV. Permanent health insurance, referred to in point (a)(iv) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Services related to underwriting
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial leasing. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related questions and advice as well as services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Ia) The life insurance referred to in points (a)(i), (ii) and (iii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive excluding those referred to in II and III (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Ib) Insurance issued as a supplement to insurance under Ia) (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
III. The insurance referred to in points (a)(i) and (ii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive, which are linked to investment funds (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
IV. Permanent health insurance, referred to in point (a)(iv) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Safekeeping and administration of financial instruments for the account of clients, including custodianship and related services such as cash/collateral management
Granting credits or loans to an investor to allow him to carry out a transaction in one or more financial instruments, where the firm granting the credit or loan is involved in the transaction
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings
Foreign exchange services where these are connected to the provision of investment services
Investment research and financial analysis or other forms of general recommendation relating to transactions in financial instruments
Services related to underwriting
Investment services and activities as well as ancillary services where these are connected to the provision of investment or ancillary services
Reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments
Execution of orders on behalf of clients
Dealing on own account
Discretionary portfolio management in respect of financial instruments
Investment advice to customers regarding financial instruments
Underwriting of financial instruments and/or placing of financial instruments on a firm commitment basis
Placing of financial instruments without a firm commitment basis
Taking deposits and other repayable funds. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Portofolio managment and advice. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safekeeping and administration of securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Safe custody services. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Payment services as defined in Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Trading for own account or for account of customers with different instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Money market instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Foreign exchange. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Financial futures and options. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Exchange and interest-rate instruments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Transferable securities. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Participation in securities issues and the provision of services relating to such issues. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Advice to undertakings on capital structure, industrial strategy and related questions and advice as well as services relating to mergers and the purchase of undertakings. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Guarantees and commitments. Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Ia) The life insurance referred to in points (a)(i), (ii) and (iii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive excluding those referred to in II and III (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Ib) Insurance issued as a supplement to insurance under Ia) (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
III. The insurance referred to in points (a)(i) and (ii) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive, which are linked to investment funds (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
IV. Permanent health insurance, referred to in point (a)(iv) of Article 2(3) Solvency 2 Directive (direct) [Chapter 2 Section 12 of the Insurance Business Act (2010:2043)]
Lending including, inter alia: consumer credit, credit agreements relating to immovable property, factoring, with or without recourse, financing of commercial transactions (including forfeiting). Subject to mutual recognition according to Annex 1, Directive 2013/36/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.