
Firms on the financial markets must report financial information to FI. FI then uses this information to make assessments about the financial situation of individual firms and the financial market as a whole. The information that must be reported and the reporting deadlines are presented on the pages for each respective firm category.


Recommended actions in the event STIBOR is no longer provided

2021-12-17 | BMR News Markets

The Swedish Bankers’ Association published a recommendation yesterday on the actions users of the STIBOR reference rate should take if STIBOR were no longer provided. Finansinspektionen (FI) would therefore like to clarify how we will issue statements, if necessary, in the event STIBOR ceases to be provided.

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged

In accordance with its assessment in the most recent stability report, FI is leaving the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged. The buffer rate of 0 per cent, which was applied starting on 16 March 2020, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is set at 0 per cent.

Updates in reporting AML

New reporting questions in 2022

European Commission approves extension of the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

2021-12-06 | ESRB Mortgage EBA

The European Commission has announced that it does not intend to object to FI's intention to extend the current risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages. This means that FI may implement the measure.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q3 2021

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q3 2021.

Resilience is needed as the risks in the commercial real estate sector increase

The economic recovery has been stronger than expected this year, in part due to strong support measures during the pandemic. At the same time, risks are building up, writes Finansinspektionen (FI) in its second stability report of the year. The report is being presented today by Director General Erik Thedéen and Chief Economist Henrik Braconier at a press conference.

IMF to assess financial stability in Sweden

2021-11-19 | News Stability Markets

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will conduct a review of the financial sector and the work of the authorities on financial stability, a so-called FSAP (Financial Sector Assessment Program) in 2022. FSAPs are conducted regularly for countries with systemically important financial markets. In its report, the IMF will highlight any flaws and risks in the system and propose measures to deal with them.

Continued problems with credit assessments of consumer credits

2021-11-17 | News Consumer Bank

Borrowers of consumer credits have higher incomes and pay less for their loans in relation to their income compared to previous years. But we are seeing deficiencies in the credit assessment, and many borrowers are still receiving collection notices. Young borrowers are still overrepresented among those that experience early repayment problems. These are the conclusions from this year’s consumer credit survey.

FI increases sustainability efforts with new manager

Finansinspektionen (FI) is creating a new position to strengthen its work within sustainability. Johanna Fager Wettergren will be the new Head of Sustainable Finance.

Danske Bank has deficiencies in its anti-money laundering work

Danske Bank has not sufficiently assessed the risk of how the bank’s products and services in Sweden may be used for money laundering and terrorist financing. Danske Bank must therefore rectify these deficiencies no later than June 30, 2022.