
Here you can find news from FI.


FI intends to implement a partial waiver for covered bonds

2014-12-29 | EBA News Bank

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published its opinion regarding the Danish FSA's proposal of a partial waiver from the application of Article 129 (1)(c) of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR). Finansinspektionen will also implement the partial waiver within its jurisdicition.

Finansinspektionen and financial stability

2014-12-15 | News Stability

Financial stability is the ability of the financial system to uphold its core functions in changing economic conditions. Besides resilience of the financial system, FI has been given responsibility for counteracting imbalances on the credit market.

FI's methods for assessing individual types of risk within Pillar 2

This memorandum describes FI's methods for assessing the capital adequacy requirement within the framework of Pillar 2 for three different types of risk.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) shall, in accordance with the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966), set a countercyclical buffer guide and a countercyclical buffer rate for each quarter.

Leverage ratio requirement for Swedish banks

Finansinspektionen (Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority – FI) considers that a leverage ratio requirement may serve an important function for establishing financial stability in Sweden as a back-stop, which sets a floor for how low the capital adequacy requirement can fall in relation to the banks' gross assets.

Swedish insurance companies assessed in stress test

2014-12-01 | EIOPA News Solvens 2

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, EIOPA, has conducted EU-wide stress tests to assess the resilience of European insurance undertakings to adverse market developments. In the Swedish part of the exercise, ten large insurance groups and insurance companies, who account for more than half of the Swedish insurance market, participated.

Victory Life put into liquidation (updated information)

2014-11-28 | News Consumer

Foreign insurance provider Victory Life has been put into liquidation as of 25 November 2014 by the order of a court of the British Virgin Islands.

Swedish banks pass the European stress test

2014-10-26 | EBA News Stability

FI has tested the resilience of the major Swedish banks to a sharp deterioration in the economy. The study is part of the extensive stress test of 123 European banks coordinated by EBA.

Capital requirements for Swedish banks

On 3 April, the Government presented a bill regarding strengthened capital adequacy rules.

Supervision of the financial infrastructure works well

2014-03-27 | IOSCO ESMA News

Finansinspektionen's and The Riksbank's joint internal audit has assessed the supervision and oversight of the financial infrastructures in Sweden on the basis of the "Principles for financial market infrastructures” (PFMIs) which Finansinspektionen use in its supervision and The Riksbank in its oversight.

Martin Noréus becomes Deputy Director General

2014-02-03 | News About FI

FI is expanding and strengthening its organisation with a new position. As of 1 February, Martin Noréus is Deputy Director General.