About FI

FI is a government authority tasked with monitoring the financial market. We promote a stable financial system that contributes to sustainable development and a high level of consumer protection. We publish rules for financial firms and monitor compliance with these rules. We also analyse risks that could lead to instability in the financial system.

Stefan Lundgren new Board member of FI

Publicerad 2024-06-18

The Government has appointed former Auditor General Stefan Lundgren to FI’s Board of Directors.

Beatrice Ask new chair of the Board of FI

Publicerad 2024-04-26

Beatrice Ask has joined and will be the chair of FI’s Board of Directors. The appointment runs until 24 April 2027.

Marie Lindström new communications director

Publicerad 2024-02-15

FI has named Marie Lindström its new communications director.

Jon Thor Sturluson new chief economist at FI

Publicerad 2024-02-02

FI has named Jon Thor Sturluson its new chief economist. He will take over the role no later than 1 May 2024 and join FI’s management team.