Derivatives trade (EMIR)

The EU Regulation governing OTC derivatives, central counterparties and transaction registers (EMIR) affects all firms that enter into any form of derivative contract – both financial and non-financial firms. Central counterparties and transaction registers must be authorised.


Application for administrator authorisation – STIBOR may continue to be used while FI evaluates the application

2021-12-27 | BMR News Markets

Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility AB (SFBF) submitted an application to Finansinspektionen (FI) on 27 December 2021 to become an authorised administrator in accordance with the EU’s Benchmark Regulation (BMR).

Erik Thedéen: Crypto-assets today and in the future

” Ultimately, this is about energy efficiency. Energy is a scarce resource, and as a society, we have invested heavily in energy-efficiency improvements across all sectors. We need to consider a similar technology shift for crypto-assets.”

Recommended actions in the event STIBOR is no longer provided

2021-12-17 | BMR News Markets

The Swedish Bankers’ Association published a recommendation yesterday on the actions users of the STIBOR reference rate should take if STIBOR were no longer provided. Finansinspektionen (FI) would therefore like to clarify how we will issue statements, if necessary, in the event STIBOR ceases to be provided.

Updates in reporting AML

New reporting questions in 2022

FI Supervision 19: Credit institutions’ management of counterparty risk and CVA risks

2021-12-09 | Reports Markets Bank

FI has conducted an investigation into a number of credit institutions’ exposures, risk measurement and management of counterparty risk and credit valuation adjustment (CVA) risk related to positions in financial derivatives.

Resilience is needed as the risks in the commercial real estate sector increase

The economic recovery has been stronger than expected this year, in part due to strong support measures during the pandemic. At the same time, risks are building up, writes Finansinspektionen (FI) in its second stability report of the year. The report is being presented today by Director General Erik Thedéen and Chief Economist Henrik Braconier at a press conference.

Stability in the Financial System (2021:2)

Sweden’s economy has largely recovered and there is good access to financing in the financial system. The Riksbank should therefore begin the phase-out of asset purchasing to avoid further increase of risk-taking. Amongst others, FI sees growing risks within the commercial real estate companies.

IMF to assess financial stability in Sweden

2021-11-19 | News Stability Markets

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will conduct a review of the financial sector and the work of the authorities on financial stability, a so-called FSAP (Financial Sector Assessment Program) in 2022. FSAPs are conducted regularly for countries with systemically important financial markets. In its report, the IMF will highlight any flaws and risks in the system and propose measures to deal with them.

TRS 2 closed for maintenance 18 November

2021-11-16 | News Reporting Markets

TRS 2 will be closed for maintenance the 18 November.

Crypto-assets are a threat to the climate transition – energy-intensive mining should be banned

The most common method for producing crypto-assets requires enormous amounts of electricity and generates large CO2 emissions. Crypto-asset producers are keen to use more renewable energy, and they are increasing their presence in the Nordic region. Sweden needs the renewable energy targeted by crypto-asset producers for the climate transition of our essential services, and increased use by miners threatens our ability to meet the Paris Agreement. Energy-intensive mining of crypto-assets should therefore be prohibited. This is the conclusion of the director generals of both the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.