

Application for administrator authorisation – STIBOR may continue to be used while FI evaluates the application

2021-12-27 | BMR News Markets

Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility AB (SFBF) submitted an application to Finansinspektionen (FI) on 27 December 2021 to become an authorised administrator in accordance with the EU’s Benchmark Regulation (BMR).

Erik Thedéen: Crypto-assets today and in the future

” Ultimately, this is about energy efficiency. Energy is a scarce resource, and as a society, we have invested heavily in energy-efficiency improvements across all sectors. We need to consider a similar technology shift for crypto-assets.”

Recommended actions in the event STIBOR is no longer provided

2021-12-17 | BMR News Markets

The Swedish Bankers’ Association published a recommendation yesterday on the actions users of the STIBOR reference rate should take if STIBOR were no longer provided. Finansinspektionen (FI) would therefore like to clarify how we will issue statements, if necessary, in the event STIBOR ceases to be provided.

Updates in reporting AML

New reporting questions in 2022

FI Supervision 19: Credit institutions’ management of counterparty risk and CVA risks

2021-12-09 | Reports Markets Bank

FI has conducted an investigation into a number of credit institutions’ exposures, risk measurement and management of counterparty risk and credit valuation adjustment (CVA) risk related to positions in financial derivatives.

Resilience is needed as the risks in the commercial real estate sector increase

The economic recovery has been stronger than expected this year, in part due to strong support measures during the pandemic. At the same time, risks are building up, writes Finansinspektionen (FI) in its second stability report of the year. The report is being presented today by Director General Erik Thedéen and Chief Economist Henrik Braconier at a press conference.

Stability in the Financial System (2021:2)

Sweden’s economy has largely recovered and there is good access to financing in the financial system. The Riksbank should therefore begin the phase-out of asset purchasing to avoid further increase of risk-taking. Amongst others, FI sees growing risks within the commercial real estate companies.

IMF to assess financial stability in Sweden

2021-11-19 | News Stability Markets

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will conduct a review of the financial sector and the work of the authorities on financial stability, a so-called FSAP (Financial Sector Assessment Program) in 2022. FSAPs are conducted regularly for countries with systemically important financial markets. In its report, the IMF will highlight any flaws and risks in the system and propose measures to deal with them.

TRS 2 closed for maintenance 18 November

2021-11-16 | News Reporting Markets

TRS 2 will be closed for maintenance the 18 November.

Crypto-assets are a threat to the climate transition – energy-intensive mining should be banned

The most common method for producing crypto-assets requires enormous amounts of electricity and generates large CO2 emissions. Crypto-asset producers are keen to use more renewable energy, and they are increasing their presence in the Nordic region. Sweden needs the renewable energy targeted by crypto-asset producers for the climate transition of our essential services, and increased use by miners threatens our ability to meet the Paris Agreement. Energy-intensive mining of crypto-assets should therefore be prohibited. This is the conclusion of the director generals of both the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

Erik Thedéen talks about sustainability reporting at COP26

A global standard for sustainability reporting will make it possible for the finance sector to steer investments from harmful activities to activities that contribute to the climate transition. Finansinspektionen’s (FI) Director General Erik Thedéen will be at the UN’s climate conference (COP26) in Glasgow to talk about this work.

The TRS2 test environment closed on Monday for maintenance

2021-10-27 | News Reporting Markets

On Monday, 1 November, the TRS2 test environment will be closed for maintenance.

Incident in the TRS 2 test environment resolved

2021-10-22 | News Reporting Markets

The incident entailing missing or incomplete feedback in the TRS2 test environment has been resolved today the 22 October. FF- and FD-files are now generated normally.

FI increases sustainability efforts with new manager

Finansinspektionen (FI) is creating a new position to strengthen its work within sustainability. Johanna Fager Wettergren will be the new Head of Sustainable Finance.

FI withdraws the authorisation of securities company Nordic Fondkommission AB

2021-10-13 | News Consumer Markets

Finansinspektionen (FI) is withdrawing the authorisation of securities company Nord Fondkommision AB (Nord) due to severe deficiencies in the company’s advisory activities and other areas. This decision means that the company must cease all regulated activities. As a result, it may no longer provide financial advice or sell financial products. The decision will be presented by FI Director General Erik Thedéen and Chief Legal Counsel Eric Leijonram at a press conference today, Wednesday, 13 October, at 10:00 AM.

Nord Fondkommission AB’s authorisation is withdrawn

Finansinspektionen (FI) is withdrawing all of Nord Fondkommission AB’s (Nord) authorisations due to severe deficiencies, in part in the company’s advisory services.

FI opens investigation into EQT AB

Finansinspektionen has decided to open an investigation into EQT AB for suspected breach of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) in conjunction with a delayed disclosure of inside information. FI’s handling of this matter is thus entering a new phase.

TRS 2 closed for maintenance

2021-09-17 | News Reporting Markets

On Friday, 24 September, until Sunday, 26 September, TRS 2 will be closed for maintenance.

FI reviews EQT’s handling of delayed disclosure

On 7 September, FI received a notification from EQT AB regarding a delayed disclosure of inside information. On 14 September, FI requested that the company submit an account of the circumstances that served as a basis for the delayed disclosure. FI will analyse the response from EQT AB in order to decide if there are grounds for further action.

New procedures for submission of Key Investor Information Document for foreign UCITS

2021-09-01 | Funds News Markets

Pursuant to Article 93 (7) and (8) of Directive 2009/65/EC, a foreign UCITS established in another Member State authorised for marketing in Sweden must submit to Finansinspektionen annual updates of KIID(s) or updated KIID(s) of share class(es) authorised for distribution in Sweden.

LEI validation in the TRS 2 system is functional again

2021-09-01 | News Reporting Markets

FI has received and input all GLEIF LEI data files that were missing in the TRS 2 system due to an incident that occurred at ESMA during the period 2021-08-10–2021-08-27.

The TRS 2 system has an ongoing IT incident

2021-08-25 | ESMA News Reporting

ESMA has had an ongoing IT incident since 10 August 2021 that has prevented it from delivering to national supervisory authorities LEI reference data files for transaction validation.

Proposal to repeal regulations regarding MREL reporting

FI proposes that the regulations (FFFS 2019:1) regarding periodic reporting of data on the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) be repealed.

FI Supervision Report 23: Observations from anti-money laundering reporting

FI has analysed and compared information that firms under FI’s money laundering supervision reported to the authority during the years 2018-2021. The analysis indicates areas where the companies need to develop their processes to better handle the risk of being misused for money laundering or terrorist financing.

Erik Thedéen: Crypto-assets – risks and opportunities

“The technology behind crypto-assets has the potential to create value for society, but crypto-assets like Bitcoin also pose significant risks,” said Erik Thedéen, when he spoke about the development of crypto-assets today at a seminar arranged by the Swedish Investor Relations Association.

TRS 2 closed for maintenance

2021-06-08 | News Reporting Markets

On Wednesday, 16 June, TRS 2 will be closed for maintenance.

Stability in the Financial System (2021:1)

The economy is continuing to recover. Support measures have been necessary to speed up the recovery, but they need to be gradually phased out as the economy strengthens. This applies primarily to measures that are associated with the build-up of stability risks.

Support measures can build up stability risks

The support measures have been important for offsetting the economic impact of the crisis and speeding up the recovery. However, they can also contribute to greater stability risks in the long run, concludes Finansinspektionen (FI) in this year’s first report on the stability in the financial system, which is being published today.

Liquidity tools in UCITS and special funds

2021-06-01 | Funds Reports Markets

Finansinspektionen concludes in a new report that fund managers need access to additional tools to manage liquidity risks in Swedish UCITS and special funds. We consider there to be a certain type of swing pricing that could be used already today. The report outlines a suggestion for how to regulate this and other liquidity management tools in legislation and regulations. FI takes the position that Swedish UCITS only need to be open for redemptions once a week. We suggest that the funds instead only need to be open for redemptions twice a month.

Memorandum Legislative Measures due to the EU’s Green Taxonomy Regulation

Finansinspektionen (FI) supports in general the proposals in the memorandum. However, FI has some feedback points about the proposals.

TRS2 Test environment will be closed 19 May

2021-05-11 | News Reporting Markets

On Wednesday, 19 May, the test environment of the TRS 2 system will be closed for maintenance.

FI introduces new reporting system

2021-04-26 | News Reporting Markets

FI has decided to replace several of our existing reporting systems with a new system with the aim of better meeting current and future legal requirements and enhancing user-friendliness for the companies that report via the systems. The new reporting system, FIDAC, will be used for both periodic and event-driven reporting.

Erik Thedéen: The private sector can and should take the chance to speed up the transition

Climate change is an existential threat to mankind. In order to meet this threat, we need extensive policy decisions. In particular, carbon prices must go up. The private sector and the financial market can contribute, said Finansinspektionen’s Director General Erik Thedéen at the Hållbara Finanser 2021 conference (Sustainable Finances). By already preparing now to be able to quickly report in accordance with future international standards on corporate sustainability reporting and also voluntarily using and reporting internal carbon pricing.

FI Analysis 30: Internal price on carbon – what and why?

To reach the climate goals in the Paris Agreement, carbon emissions must go down. The most efficient way to achieve this is by raising the cost of emissions compared to today.

Sustainability Report 2021 – the climate in focus

Finansinspektionen has an assignment to promote the financial system’s contribution to sustainable development. The sustainability report outlines the current sustainability issues that are related to the financial sector and lists examples of what FI is working on in this area.

Temporary lowering of notification threshold expires

2021-03-15 | ESMA News Reporting

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has decided not to renew its decision to temporarily lower the notification threshold for when net short positions are to be notified to the relevant national competent authority.

Cyber threats and financial stability – FI’s roll and assignments

In recent years, a number of legislative proposals and other initiatives have been presented to strengthen the financial sector’s resilience to cyberattacks. Given this background, Finansinspektionen has prepared a memorandum to describe FI’s role in terms of contributing to strong cyber security and its work to prevent cyber threats to the Swedish financial sector.

IOSCO takes important step towards global sustainability disclosure

An important step has now been taken towards a global standard for sustainability reporting. The Board of Directors of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) voted during its meeting yesterday for IOSCO to actively work to achieve a unified and comparable global standard for sustainability disclosure. IOSCO’s work in this area is being carried out within the work group led by Finansinspektionen’s Director General Erik Thedéen.

Young adults and low-income earners face greatest risk of debt trap

2021-02-24 | News Consumer Markets

Young borrowers and borrowers with low income run a higher risk of experiencing payment problems when they take non-mortgage loans, even if they only borrow small amounts. At the same time, the risk that consumers will get trapped in debt decreases if credit providers conduct thorough credit assessments. These are the conclusions of a new analysis from Finansinspektionen that is presented in conjunction with this year’s consumer protection report.

Consumer Protection Report 2021

2021-02-24 | Reports Consumer Markets

Paying by invoice or with other credit-based offers is becoming an integral part of shopping online. Young adults are unique with their small margins and large number of payment reminders and collection notices. Unaffordable loans are a prioritised consumer risk in this year’s report.

FI warns consumers of risks connected to cryptoasset products

Think carefully before buying a financial product containing cryptoassets. The risks are significant and the protections for you as a consumer are weak, FI warns today.

FI Supervision Report 21: Financial instruments with crypto-assets as underlying asset

2021-02-22 | Fintech Reports Consumer

FI conducted a thematic review of the market for financial instruments with crypto-assets as an underlying asset. FI is of the view that there is a lack of adequate consumer protection regulation for crypto-assets. Valuing them is also challenging and the instruments are volatile. This makes the products unsuitable for most, if not all, retail consumers.

2021:1 Bond-financed lending

2021-02-18 | Markets Bank

In this document, FI states its position on what is viewed as receiving repayable funds in accordance with Chapter 1, section 4 of the Banking and Financing Business Act.

FI’s prioritised areas for 2021

Are the banks conducting thorough credit assessments when customers apply for consumer credit? Are smaller banks and payment service firms taking sufficient measures to prevent money laundering? What risks will the coronavirus pandemic pose in the future? These are three areas that Finansinspektionen (FI) will look more closely at in 2021.

Finansinspektionen’s prioritised areas for 2021

Consumer protection, money laundering and risks that the coronavirus pandemic may pose in the future are three areas that FI will look more closely at in 2021.

Clarification of Finansinspektionen's sanction decision against Nasdaq Clearing AB

2021-01-29 | News EMIR Markets

By its decision of 26 January 2021, Finansinspektionen (FI) issued Nasdaq Clearing AB a warning for serious deficiencies in its operations. According to the decision, Nasdaq Clearing must also pay an administrative fine of SEK 300 million.

Nasdaq Clearing receives warning and administrative fine of MSEK 300

2021-01-27 | News EMIR Markets

Finansinspektionen (FI) is issuing Nasdaq Clearing AB a warning for serious deficiencies in its operations, in part in conjunction with a member of the firm’s commodities market being declared in default in 2018. Nasdaq Clearing must also pay an administrative fine of SEK 300 million.

Nasdaq Clearing Aktiebolag receives a warning and an administrative fine

2021-01-27 | Sanctions EMIR Markets

Nasdaq Clearing Aktiebolag is receiving a warning and must pay an administrative fine of SEK 300 million.

TRS 2 closed for maintenance

2021-01-18 | News Reporting Markets

On Tuesday, 26 January, TRS 2 will be closed for maintenance.

Update of FI’s Company Register

Due to the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union, financial actors’ right to conduct cross-border operations in or from the United Kingdom that are based on European Union law was repealed on 1 January 2021.


New procedures to enhance transparency

2020-12-22 | News About FI Markets

As of 1 January 2021, FI will implement new procedures for how it announces opened and closed supervision investigations.

Maintenance of TRS2 system planned for beginning of January 2021 in conjunction with Brexit

2020-12-17 | Brexit ESMA News

Due to Brexit, ESMA will have a maintenance window from 31 December 2020 through (preliminarily) 7 January 2021.

Reminder: what a hard Brexit will entail

2020-12-15 | Brexit News Markets

What will happen in the event that the transition period ends without an agreement between the EU and the UK.

Stability in the Financial System (2020:2)

The pandemic has triggered a deep economic recession in many countries, even if a slight recovery has begun. Extensive support measures have mitigated the economic impact and reduced the uncertainty on the financial markets. During the autumn, infection rates have once again begun to increase and several countries have introduced new restrictions, which will dampen the economic recovery, even though it is uncertain to which extent.

Dampened recovery can weaken financial stability

An increase in the spread of the coronavirus will dampen the recovery in European economies and, in the long run, this could impact financial stability, writes Finansinspektionen (FI) in this year’s second stability report, which will be published today.

Henrik Braconier's speech at SNS/SHOF Finance Panel: Corporate Finance in a Low Interest Rate Environment

Henrik Braconier, Chief Economist at FI, spoke on risks related to low interest rates at SNS/SHOF’s Finance Panel: Corporate Finance in a Low Interest Rate Environment.

FI Analysis 23: Can the bond market dampen the credit cycle?

The access of non-financial firms to credit is central for financial stability, particularly during financial crises. In recent years, the market for corporate bonds has grown steadily and currently plays an important role in firms’ financing. This analysis shows that it has not been easier to issue corporate bonds in Swedish krona during financial crises than to take a bank loan. This pattern deviates from previous research on the USA and the euro zone.

TRS 2 closed for maintenance

2020-10-09 | News Reporting Markets

On Friday, 16 October, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, TRS 2 will be closed for maintenance.

The new Short Selling Register is launched today

2020-10-05 | News Reporting Markets

Today, FI launches a new Short Selling Register for significant net short positions.

Erik Thedéen's speech at Driving Global Standards on Sustainable Finance

Erik Thedéen, Finansinspektionen's Director General and Chair of IOSCO's Task Force on Sustainable Finance made a speech at the conference Driving Global Standards on Sustainable Finance.

New reporting system for short selling is launched today

2020-09-24 | News Reporting Markets

Today, FI launches a new reporting system for the reporting of net short positions: the Short Selling Online Reporting tool.

New reporting system for short selling to be launched this week

2020-09-21 | News Reporting Markets

This week, FI will launch a new reporting system for the reporting of net short positions: the Short Selling Online Reporting tool.

FI confirms investigation into Swedbank

Swedbank has written in a press release that FI is investigating potential breaches of the Market Abuse Act. Given that the company has chosen to disclose information about the investigation, FI confirms that the information is correct. FI has opened an investigation.

Erik Thedéen: How can consumer welfare be improved in financial markets?

FI's Director General Erik Thedéen took part in a panel discussion during the conference "Consumer Behavior in Financial Markets", arranged by the Swedish House of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics today.

TRS 2 closed for maintenance

2020-08-24 | News Reporting Markets

On Friday, 28 August, TRS 2 will be closed for maintenance.

ESRB recommendation on distribution

The COVID-19 pandemic has incurred large human and economic costs and also affected the financial sector. Maintaining own funds in financial institutions is important both for ensuring the resilience of the financial system and supporting banks' lending through this crisis.

FI Analysis 21: New liquidity indicators for the fixed-income market

2020-06-30 | Reports Markets Bank

The Swedish fixed-income market – which consists of the bond market, the money market and interest rate derivatives – is important for the government, municipalities, banks and firms to be able to finance their operations and manage risks. It is therefore of central importance to understand how these markets function and, more specifically, how liquid they are. This FI Analysis presents a new method for measuring market liquidity that focuses on government bonds and covered bonds.

New reporting system for short selling

2020-06-30 | News Reporting Markets

In the autumn of 2020, Finansinspektionen will introduce a new reporting system for the reporting of net short positions: the Short Selling Online Reporting tool.

New log-in method for periodic reporting replaces reporting card

2020-06-11 | News Reporting Markets

On 18 August 2020, FI will introduce a new log-in method for periodic reporting filed via an application on the computer and that previously required a card and card reader. The new method requires users to log in using Bank ID.

Measures stabilised the financial situation

Governments, central banks, and authorities around the world have taken powerful measures to mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. These measures also helped dampen uncertainty on the financial markets. By utilising available buffers and continuing to lend to firms and households, the financial sector can dampen the impact of the crisis. It is also important to remember that the economic crisis is not over, and uncertainty is therefore high, notes Finansinspektionen (FI) in its first stability report of the year.