FFFS 2009:3

Regulations regarding ownership and management assessment

Repealed 2023-07-18 see FFFS 2023:12


The amendments introduce to the appendices a requirement that information must be provided if firms are part of a consolidated situlation, pursuant to the Securiteis Companies Regulation (2019/2033/EU), due to the new Regulation. Minor editorial changes were also made.

The amendments enter into force on 7 July 2021. Amendment 2021:15

The scope of the regulations and the general guidelines is increased to also include firms conducting mortgage business in accordance with the Mortgage Business Act (2016:1024). The amendments enter into force on 1 January 2017.

Under the new regulations, legal and natural persons must provide information about all sanction decisions directed to them even if the decision is more than 10 years old. The time limitation previously included is removed in the new regulations. The information about sanction decisions is provided in the forms for ownership, owner management and management suitability assessments, which are included as appendices to, for example, FI's regulations and general guidelines (FFFS 2009:3) regarding ownership and management assessment.

Under the amendments, the regulations no longer apply to insurance companies, mutual insurance companies, insurance associations and pension foundations. The provisions on suitability assessment in Finansinspektionen's regulations and general guidelines (FFFS 2015:8) regarding insurance business apply to these undertakings instead.

The amendments enter into force on 1 January 2016. Amendment 2015:17

FI is adjusting terms and phrases in the appendices to agree with those used in the Capital Requirements Regulation. FI is also updating references to acts and regulations that have been repealed with references to the acts and regulations that replaced them. The amendments enter into force on 2 August 2014. Amendment 2014:19

The amendments expand the regulations to also include the manager and deputy manager for operations related to the issuance of electronic money in an institution for electronic money. Payment institutions are also removed from the provision that refers to which non-EEA undertakings must provide some information when applying for authorisation to establish a branch in Sweden since a foreign undertaking cannot do this via its branch.

The amendments will enter into force on 01 December 2011. Amendment 2011:52

The amendments expand the regulations to also include insurance associations. The amendments adapt the regulatory framework to the new Insurance Business Act. The regulation will enter into force on 1 May 2011. Amendment 2011:23

The amendments expand the regulations to also include payment institutions. In addition to a management assessment of the Board of Directors and CEO, an assessment must also be conducted of the manager and deputy manager of the payment services operations at a payment institution. Amendment 2010:6

