

Emilia Högquist new head of sustainable finance at FI

Emilia Högquist is FI's new head of sustainable finance. She has worked extensively with sustainable development and comes to FI most recently from a management position at the Ministry of Climate and Enterprise. As the head of sustainable finance she will be FI's spokesperson in sustainability-reated matters.

FI identifies transition risks in banks’ lending portfolios

There are climate-related transition risks in Swedish banks’ lending portfolios. This is the conclusion of an analysis Finansinspektionen (FI) conducted by linking lending to individual firms to emissions data from firms that are included in the EU Emissions Trading System.

Our supervision priorities for 2024

Are consumers being offered the right services on the financial market? How is the sector delivering crucial services in an uncertain global environment? How are financial corporations protecting themselves from being used for criminal purposes? These are some of the questions we will focus on in our supervision this year.


A strategy to prevent greenwashing

Finansinspektionen will prevent greenwashing in the financial sector through preventive measures and supervisory activities. Today, in a new report that is submitted to the government, FI presents a strategy to prevent greenwashing.

Unclear information about sustainable funds

The disclosures provided about funds with sustainable investment as their objective are often unclear. This is the conclusion of an in-depth analysis conducted by Finansinspektionen (FI). In many cases, the disclosures provided in the funds’ prospectuses need to be clearer and more specific.

FI reviews sustainable funds

Demand for green and sustainable investments is increasing rapidly. This increases the risk of greenwashing, i.e. presenting organisations and products as more sustainable than what they are in reality. Finansinspektionen (FI) will therefore review that the disclosures provided about the funds classified as the most sustainable fulfil the strict requirements placed on them.

Climate-related transition risks must be given priority

2022-04-08 | Sustainability News Bank

The data and methods available for measuring climate-related transition risks are under development. There is a lot of work going on in this area, in the banks and in organisations at national and international level, but it is important that the banks calculate and manage these risks already today. It is no good waiting for better data and fully standardised and harmonised methods to become available. Finansinspektionen (the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority) and the Riksbank have jointly applied the Paris Agreement Capital Transit Assessment Tool (PACTA) to measure climate-related transition risks in the banks' credit portfolios. The results show that there are transition risks that banks have to take into account.


Erik Thedéen talks about sustainability reporting at COP26

A global standard for sustainability reporting will make it possible for the finance sector to steer investments from harmful activities to activities that contribute to the climate transition. Finansinspektionen’s (FI) Director General Erik Thedéen will be at the UN’s climate conference (COP26) in Glasgow to talk about this work.

FI increases sustainability efforts with new manager

Finansinspektionen (FI) is creating a new position to strengthen its work within sustainability. Johanna Fager Wettergren will be the new Head of Sustainable Finance.

Enhanced review of sustainability in banks

2021-03-18 | Sustainability News Bank

FI will include a sustainability perspective when reviewing business models and credit risks of banks, according to a report published by FI today.