

Capital requirements for Swedish banks as of Q2 2024

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q2 2024.

Decisions regarding reciprocation of macroprudential measures in Denmark, Portugal, Germany and Italy

2024-08-13 | ESRB News Stability

Finansinspektionen has passed decisions concerning reciprocation of macroprudential measures in Denmark, Portugal, Germany and Italy.

FI intends to extend banks’ risk weights floors for mortgages and commercial real estate lending

Finansinpektionen currently assesses that risks to Swedish mortgages and commercial properties remain and these will not be fully addressed when the EU’s second banking package enters into force on 1 January 2025. Therefore, FI intends to start the process during next year to extend the risk weight floors for mortgages and commercial real estate lending to at least 2027.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q1 2024

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q1 2024

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q4 2023

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q4 2023.

Macroprudential measures in other countries

According to the capital adequacy regulations (Capital Requirements Regulation and Capital Requirements Directive), a country can ask other countries to reciprocate adopted macroprudential measures.

Capital requirements for Swedish banks as of Q2 2024

FI publishes the capital requirements for Swedish banks and credit institutions in supervision categories 1 and 2 every quarter.


FI extends the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgage exposures

2023-12-14 | Mortgage EBA News

FI has decided to extend the risk weight floor by two years, from 31 December 2023 to 30 December 2025.

Banking package close to completion

On 6 December, the EU Member States approved a banking package that implements the last parts of the Basel III agreement in the EU. The European Parliament is also expected to approve the agreed rules in the near future.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q3 2023

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q3 2023.

European Commission approves extension of the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

The European Commission has announced that it does not intend to object to FI's intention to extend the current risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages. This means that FI may implement the measure.

FI notifies the EU regarding extension of the existing risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

FI notifies the EU regarding extension of the existing risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

New risk weight floors for bank loans to commercial properties

Finansinspektionen has decided to introduce risk weight floors for exposures towards the commercial real estate sector according to article 458 in CRR. At the same time the current risk weight floor under Pillar 2 will be removed. The new floors will enter into force on 30 September 2023.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q2 2023

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q2 2023.

European Commission approves introduction of risk weight floors for bank loans to commercial real estate

The European Commission has announced that it does not intend to object to FI's intention to introduce risk weight floors for bank loans to commercial real estate. This means that FI may implement the measure.

Updated approach to assessing Pillar 2 guidance for Swedish banks

Finansinspektionen has decided on an updated approach for assessing the size of the Pillar 2 guidance for Swedish banks. The updated method contains in part new intervals and an upper limit on how much the outcome of the sensitivity-based stress test can contribute to the final guidance.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q1 2023

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q1 2023.

FI notifies the EU regarding the introduction of new risk weight floor for commercial real estate

Finansinspektionen has notified the Commission and the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) that it intends to introduce weight floor for commercial real estate in accordance with Article 458 of the CRR. This will replace the current Pillar 2 risk weight floors for exposures secured by commercial real estate. The measure is planned to be effective from 30 September 2023.

Proposal for new risk weight floors for bank loans to commercial properties

FI is proposing to introduce risk weight floors for exposures towards the commercial real estate sector according to article 458 in CRR. At the same time the current risk weight floor under Pillar 2 would be removed. The new floors are proposed to enter into force on 30 September 2023.

FI reciprocates the extension of Norwegian risk weight floors

Finansinspektionen (FI) has passed a decision to reciprocate the Norwegian Ministry of Finance’s decision to extend average risk weight floors of 20 per cent for retail exposures collateralised by real estate in Norway and of 35 per cent for corporate exposures collateralised by real estate in Norway.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q4 2022

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q4 2022.


FI Analysis No. 39: Are the capital buffers fulfilling their purpose?

The minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) is designed in such a way that the banks can breach it before they breach the capital requirements. As a result, this can reduce the usability of the capital buffers. This is shown in FI’s analysis of how the capital buffers are impacted when a bank must meet both MREL and the capital requirements.

FI maintains level of systemic risk buffer for major banks

The three major banks, SEB, Handelsbanken and Swedbank, will continue to maintain a systemic risk buffer of 3 per cent at group level. This decision was made following FI’s biennial review of the systemic risk buffer in accordance with the European Capital Requirements Directive.

Macro-based stress tests of Swedish banks: results and method, Autumn 2022

Major Swedish banks demonstrate considerable resilience in the stress test Finansinspektionen (FI) conducted in 2022. The test identifies the potential effects on the five largest Swedish banks’ financial positions when interest rates and inflation increase. This memorandum (only available in Swedish) describes the method behind the stress test and its results.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q3 2022

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q3 2022.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q2 2022

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q2 2022.

FI presents new Pillar 2 method for pension risk in credit institutions

Finansinspektionen presents here a new Pillar 2 method for assessing an additional own funds requirement for pension risk in credit institutions.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q1 2022

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q1 2022.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q4 2021

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q4 2021.


FI extends the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgage exposures

FI has decided to extend the risk weight floor by two years, from 31 December 2021 to 30 December 2023.